Class Specific Pages

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Topic of the Month

Course Selection Process

It's almost that time of the year again for choosing classes for next year!  Counselors will be heading into classrooms to present and instruct on course selection after February Vacation, but now is the time to start thinking about which classes you and your student feel are important for next year (12th grade students excluded).  Many students are so excited to be choosing classes for the following year that they often times don't think about how those choices impact their future plans.  We highly encourage you and your student to choose classes that maintain academic rigor and are appropriate.  If you are unsure about what classes are appropriate please contact me with questions or to set up a meeting.   It's important to know what classes are important for post-secondary planning.  Below is some information with regards to Post-Secondary planning that may be helpful when choosing your courses for next year.

Please reference pages 3-6 for Admission Standards

** Private schools and universities have different admission criteria that is typically not published, so please feel free to use this information as a reference.

Please reference our Guidance Website for the Program of Studies (this is currently for last year and will be updated soon for the 2018-2019 course selection process) as well as our local graduation requirements.