Does your student have Spring Fever?
This time of year is difficult for students to stay focused and finish the year strong. The weather is getting nice, the birds are chirping, and suddenly completing daily homework, studying for exams, or not procrastinating becomes increasingly difficult. Here are some tips to keeping your student focused as the school year continues this spring.
1. Talk to your student about the importance of good attendance and finishing strong academically.
2. Continue to check the portal to confirm grades and be proactive with any types of dips in performance (if you need your login information contact me directly)
3. Explain what your students transcript includes. For grades 9-11 the only thing that shows on the transcript is your students final grade (it does not show individual term grades or exam grades) and then for 12th grade students their senior years grades are broken down by term. This means that the 1st term is just as important as the 4th term.
4. Encourage time designated for being outside and reinforce time meant for responsibilities (i.e. Homework and Household Duties).
5. Keep your traditional routine as much as possible to enforce habits already created.