Understanding Silver Lake's Weighted 5.3 GPA Scale
A very common question heard throughout the school year involves our 5.3 weighted grading scale. There has been a lot of confusion as well as misunderstanding surrounding how it is calculated as well as how it is interpreted at the college level during the application process. High schools nationwide have various scales that they use to compute the grade point averages of their students. Silver Lake's weighted 5.3 scale takes into account the grade a student earns in each class as well as the level of each class (Advanced Placement, Honors, College Preparatory 1 & 2). The scale itself and a brief explanation is in our Student Handbook (page 14) for your reference. I put together a brief Q & A section to address a few specific questions.
Q. What is a Term GPA versus a Cumulative GPA?
A. The Term GPA, which is reported on your Progress/Report Cards as well as through your Portal is the GPA you are earning in that specific period of time (for example Term 1). Cumulative GPA refers to each term since the start of 9th grade calculated together (for example as a Term 1 Senior, the Cumulative GPA would include each term for 9th, 10th, 11th and Term 1 of Senior year).
A. When students apply to college, they send in their application anywhere from early fall to early spring (depends upon the individual school as well as what application type you are choosing). As part of the application process, colleges receive a transcript which includes final grades for each class taken from 9th - 11th grade. Senior year is broken down into individual term grades and transcripts are sent initially, at the Mid-Year point, and at the end of the school year, so that colleges are able to see how the student is progressing throughout the entire senior year. The transcript also includes each academic years GPA as well as a Cumulative GPA. Each academic year is just as important as the others and colleges hope to see a student improve and maintain their academic rigor each year.
Q. What do colleges see on a transcript?
A. When students apply to college, they send in their application anywhere from early fall to early spring (depends upon the individual school as well as what application type you are choosing). As part of the application process, colleges receive a transcript which includes final grades for each class taken from 9th - 11th grade. Senior year is broken down into individual term grades and transcripts are sent initially, at the Mid-Year point, and at the end of the school year, so that colleges are able to see how the student is progressing throughout the entire senior year. The transcript also includes each academic years GPA as well as a Cumulative GPA. Each academic year is just as important as the others and colleges hope to see a student improve and maintain their academic rigor each year.
Q. How do I compare the Cumulative GPA to information reported by a college when doing college searches?
A. You really can't compare our GPA scale to the information that is reported on an individual college's website, because that information is a "re-calculated" average typically of the previous years incoming class. That is why the Naviance - Family Connection program is the easiest way to college search and compare yourself to the other Silver Lake students who have been accepted, denied, or waitlisted. Though we don't have data on every college, we have compiled this information over the last 10 years. As a result, statistics are provided and give you an accurate understanding about how your GPA compares to past Silver Lake applicants. Your test scores (PSAT or SAT/ACT - depending upon which test you have taken) are also included in features such as the Scattergram, to give you an accurate understanding of how you compare with regards to admissions history at a particular school.
** Please note that 9th and 10th grade students do not currently have their GPA listed in Naviance, but if you are currently a junior your Cumulative GPA can be found in the "About Me" section under "Profile" (the GPA reported includes 9th and 10th grade and will be updated at the end of the 11th grade to include your junior year GPA as well).
If you do not have your login information for Naviance, or need assistance accessing information, please feel free to contact me directly.
Additional Resources
Peterson's Guide to Understanding College Admission Requirements and your GPA
School ID: 221105 - School Code: 733340022